Mental Health

Get Up!

  As I was driving to work this morning, I heard the song "Get Up" from Shine Down.  It's a powerful, extremely motivating song.  I believe it was written about depression, and the video appears to be about a woman who lost her husband in the service.  She struggles to overcome her grief of losing her loved [...]

Get Up!2019-03-15T23:43:51+00:00

Looking Past Divorce

I was thinking about my journey as a divorced woman of over two years.  My ex-husband and I were together for more than 28 years of our lives and had two wonderful children.  Without him, the concept of going back into the dating world, navigating finances, and just overall adulting on my own scared me [...]

Looking Past Divorce2023-03-16T11:27:41+00:00

Hiring and Developing Resiliency in Your Team

Resiliency is the ability to adapt to highly stressful situations or crisis.  People who are more resilient can adapt more to adversity than those that just give up when things get tough.  They can manage stress caused by life changes, difficult obstacles, and high standards put on their plates. To a certain degree, people are [...]

Hiring and Developing Resiliency in Your Team2019-04-03T19:56:43+00:00

Are you fostering an attitude of gratitude in your workplace?

Research shows that people love to receive words of affirmation.  For some, it’s their main love language.  Showing gratitude for others effort and gifts they bring to the company can create a sense of importance and significance.  It's human nature to want to feel like they belong to a bigger cause or a community.  One [...]

Are you fostering an attitude of gratitude in your workplace?2019-04-03T19:53:45+00:00

Being YOU

One of the most important things in life is being able to trust your gut and pay attention to your deepest wishes.  However, it's tricky to know the difference between impulsive actions and speaking up in order to honor your morals and values.  When I was fresh out of my divorce, I was so afraid [...]

Being YOU2019-03-18T20:30:19+00:00

What you see is sometimes what you create…

  As February comes to a close, I thought I would comment one last time on abuse in relationships.  I am in a preventative mindset today.  Statistics tell us that people who come from an abusive family, where they have witnessed a parent dominant abuse their spouse or children, is more likely to abuse others.  [...]

What you see is sometimes what you create…2023-03-16T11:28:28+00:00

What can I say to my daughter to let her be one less teen dating violence statistic?

February is Teen Dating Violence awareness month.  As I prepare to give a speech about healthy relationships to a group of high school students, my daughter is at the forefront of my mind.  I am blessed that she is not in an abusive situation.  However, with one in three teens reporting they have been in [...]

What can I say to my daughter to let her be one less teen dating violence statistic?2019-03-18T19:59:28+00:00

It’s true… You are what you eat

I have always been blessed with a high metabolism.  I pretty much ate whatever I wanted my whole life - fast food, corndogs, candy - if it was fried or filled with sugar, you know I was taking all I could eat! Yet, as I got older, I have begun to make certain changes in [...]

It’s true… You are what you eat2019-03-18T20:28:15+00:00


I can be in a crowded gym and still feel lonely.  I can be siting alone eating cookie dough and watching HGTV and feel completely at peace.  What makes some people feel lonely in a room full of others?  Well, possibly because loneliness is more like a state of mind.   Some researchers attest that it is [...]
