Business and Management

April is the new January for Goal setting

As Spring approaches, everything begins to come alive.  New growth is everywhere, days are longer, and people seem to have a renewed energy.  As I reflect on his time of the year, I think of how we can start anew.  Spring is the perfect time for us to set goals and work on future visions! Think [...]

April is the new January for Goal setting2023-03-16T11:27:47+00:00

How to Hush Office Gossip

Office gossip spreads like wildfire and is detrimental to the workplace morale.  How do we create an environment that is anti-gossip? Make it clear that gossip will not be tolerated. Develop consequences for employees who are participating in spreading hurtful information and enforce these consequences consistently. Train your employees on how to handle someone who [...]

How to Hush Office Gossip2019-04-16T16:48:22+00:00